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Simple Living, Minimal Style

Everyone has their own style when it comes to fashion, cars, pets, anything really. Interior design is no different. For some, the simple way of living is what is suited and enjoyed. For example, toned back colours, minimal possessions and furniture. Minimal living can look really good when done well. If done badly, a room can look bare, unfinished, and a little lacking in personality.

Here are some hints and tips to think about if going for the minimal look. Done a lot in Scandinavian countries, minimal living known as ‘lagom’, which means the right amount, or less is more, is about valuing what you have. Whether that is relating to a work life balance, or helping the environment, or quality over quantity, here we will focus on the home and simplicity.

Lagom equals simplicity, sustainability and balance. With interiors, think about white walls, symmetrical settings of furniture, and keep boldness to a minimum. Of course you can add colour. Who doesn’t love colour? However, think of warm neutrals; creams, yellows, greys.

Lagom, involves sustainability. Add plants to your home. Grow your own vegetables or use them as ornamentation. Plants look lovely in homes and add personality and a bit of greenness to a space. In addition, plants are very good for increasing oxygen levels and cleaning the air, great for anyone living in London!

Think about going to vintage fairs and depot centres to find some antique finds. It is great fun finding an old piece of furniture and reclaiming it, changing it into your own personal piece. In addition, you are helping the environment by not putting it to waste!

Keep ornamentation to a minimal. You may think that this could result in a bare looking room. However, with the right pieces, a beautiful balance of simplicity can be created. It is all about not over crowding a space. Use a main focal point, like a large print, or painting, or decorative object, like a vintage bike or wood burning stove and keep the rest to a minimum.

Toned back, no clutter, it looks incredible when done right. Below are some more examples.

Whatever budget you are on, the simple look can be achieved. Ikea, being a Scandinavian brand, are the epitome of the paired back, simple look. Other higher ranging companies have also learnt from the popularity of the trend and stock pieces of furniture to achieve ‘lagom’.

Have fun with it! Make your space your own and make your life and home more simplistic, sustainable and balanced.

nu:projects. 020 7731 6841.

All photos: Pinterest

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