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Ronnie Surridge, BMX to Property

Ronnie Surridge. If you are in the BMX circle, or biking world you will have heard of this name. Sponsored by big names including Vans, Alpine Stars, Profile Racing, Staffbmx, Team Blowin It, Protec back in the day, it is easy to see that he was an individual well respected in the BMX sphere.

Starting off when he was a youngster with his twin brother, his first bike was a Harlo Sport bike. Enjoying the ride and having fun outdoors grew into a passion for a sport where a career could and ended up blossoming from. When finishing school and deciding what path to go down, there were many options, graphic design being one of them.

But, when given the chance to go to America, a country that was revelling in the investment into the BMX sport but not providing the talent that was being showcased in the UK, Ronnie leapt at the opportunity, grabbing himself championships and sponsorship early on. Being of a younger age to his competitors, Ronnie’s ranking rose drastically in popularity and championships.

Individuals that he saw as his heroes, he soon found himself lined up next to on the ramp, competing alongside them and then becoming long term best friends. Bestwick, Hoffman, Mirra well established names in the BMX World, not forgetting his best friend and fellow BMX competitor Scotty Cranmer. BMX was a passion for Ronnie and with passion comes determination, hard work and success.

Now older and back in London, Ronnie has discovered a new passion in residential construction. Being a past athlete works in so many favours when entering a new career. With a hard work ethic and the determination to carry on through the highs and lows and persist until you reach your goals, the athlete’s mentality is very beneficial when it comes to any career.

Ronnie and Nick, founder here at nu:projects have been long term friends meeting each other through their connection with BMX in England. With that, their passion for their sport was also mirrored in both their passions for construction. Ronnie has worked on a calibre of projects in the past from side return extensions to renovations and loft conversions. Project managed a lot of residential projects in East London, Ronnie has now come on board being head project manager here at #nu as well as sales representative for nu kitchens. Working closely with Nick and us here at nu:projects, Ronnie has aided past and current projects of ours project managing them with incredibly high client satisfaction returned.

Ronnie is passionate about residential construction, and similarly to sport, starting off small and building it up little by little success has been shown even though it is still the early stages. With construction, the process is what Ronnie enjoys. Seeing a property and realising the potential is the best form of creativity. Whether that is to add value to a property or to make your client's dream home, Ronnie enjoys seeing the process and transformation from start to finish, one accomplished project on to the next.

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